Log walls

Log beams - the main part of a log house. The appearance, price and characteristics of your log home will largely depend on the thickness, shape and cut of the logs.

Method of treatment

Log beams are divided into 2 main groups:

1. Manual machining. Logs are processed and pruned mainly by hand. This type of home is built much like it was hundreds of years ago, with the loggerheads' natural appearance. Each log has its own shape. Manual cross-cutting is often the most popular method, such as the Norwegian cross or the Swallow tail cross.


a. Blank. This is the most natural way to cut logs.
The logs are merely stripped and hand-cut, leaving
the natural shape of each log (each log of different
thickness and shape). Both the longitudinal cuts
and the locks are made manually. This type of log
house is less popular in Lithuania or Scandinavia



26 rastas maza

b. Crossbows. Each log is cut from two sides with a lathe to obtain a rectangular shape. The logs are then manually cut. Both longitudinal cutouts, locks and manual planing. This type of handmade is most popular. this type includes methods of cutting Norwegian locks and swallow tails.


2. Machining. When all work is done on special machines. The main advantage of machining is speed and architecture. Machine houses look more modern than handmade because all logs have the same dimensions.

Tekinti  a. Turned (round). Each log is spun the same diameter. Both longitudinal cuts and locks are machine-made. Round logs are more suitable for building buildings that have no masonry neighbors.




b. Milled (rectangular);


Each log is cut to the same dimensions, then planed and milled. The locks are also cut with a special machine. If you want a log house but don't like traditional archaic architecture ("country house") then we offer this type of log processing and cutting. Milled log houses are the most popular in Lithuania.


Log houses are often compared to log houses. Although the log is similar to a natural log, it is only an imitation of a log and such houses are called wooden houses rather than log houses. This type has slightly different characteristics and appearance than a natural log home. Glued beam houses have great advantages and disadvantages compared to standard log houses.


Each of the machining types has its own characteristics, specific image and price. There is no one-size-fits-all rule, so anyone who wants to live in a log house must find the type of log house that is most acceptable to them.


Recommended thickness

Sauna and summer house: Rectangular logs - 16 cm, round - 18 cm.

Living houses: Rectangular logs - 20 cm, round - 23 cm spec. deeper
(logs inserted deeper into each other to reduce the thinnest joint). Exceptional structure - available in thicknesses of 24-28 cm (both
round and milled or handmade).